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Kiddush - Friday night -
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More tracks coming soon...please email me if you need something right away.

V'ahavta -
00:00 / 00:00
Shabbat Candle Blessing -
00:00 / 00:00
Haftarah blessing (before) -
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Haftarah blessing (after) -
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V'shamru (Rothblum) -
00:00 / 00:00
Shema, Echad Eloheinu -
00:00 / 00:00
Gadlu L'Adonai -
00:00 / 00:00
Nisim B'chol Yom -
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Kedushah -- full version -
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Torah Blessing - After -
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Torah Blessing - Before -
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Gevurot - Summer -
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Yotzeir Or -
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Avot -
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T'filah -
00:00 / 00:00

Shabbat Morning Service


NOTES: if you're viewing this on a mobile device, some audio files will not show. Also, some audio files may not be listed in the correct service lists. To view and listen to ALL audio, use a desktop or laptop computer. For the Mincha Service, the T'filah, Avot, and Gevurot are found on pages 344, 346, and 348 of Mishkan T'filah, and other prayer page numbers vary as well.

Erev Shabbat - Friday Night

Torah Service (Shabbat)

Maariv Aravim -
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Kedusha - Refrain -
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Shabbat Services

Birchot Havdalah (Friedman) -
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Mincha, Maariv, and Havdalah

Tallit and Torah blessings (3) -
00:00 / 00:00
Mah Tovu -
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Ki Mitzion, Baruch Shenatan -
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Ashrei p.338-339 -
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Ashrei p. 340-341 -
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Ahavat Olam (Mandell) -
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Hamavdil Bein Kodesh -
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Birchot Havdalah (with guitar) -
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Winter verson is from Sh'mini Atzeret/Simchat Torah to Pesach.


Summer version is from Pesach to Sh'mini Atzeret/ Simchat Torah.

Gevurot - Winter -
00:00 / 00:00
Eiliyahu HaNavi -
00:00 / 00:00
Blessing of Separation -
00:00 / 00:00
Nisim B'chol Yom - Endings only
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Ki Lekach Tov, Eitz Chayim -
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L'dor Vador -
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Kadsheinu -
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R'tzei -
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